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What is the Best Season for Fiberglass Pool Installation?

What is the Best Season for Fiberglass Pool Installation?

Swimming Pool FAQs

Fiberglass pools have many benefits over concrete and vinyl liner pools. Fiberglass is low maintenance, quick to install, uses fewer chemicals, has a smooth finish, is extremely durable, and has an attractive and elegant look.

Because of all of these benefits, you may want to have a fiberglass pool installed at your house.

One of the questions that people often ask is when they should have their fiberglass pool installed. Another benefit to these pools is that they can be installed year-round, regardless of the climate or weather conditions where you live.

Generally speaking, it takes one to ten weeks to obtain a permit, depending on where you live.

Once the permit is obtained, the pool takes about three to five weeks to install. However, while they can be installed year round, there are pros and cons to installing them in different seasons.

If you are looking to buy a fiberglass pool, here is some information you should know about having the pool installed during each season.

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1. Off-Season Discounts

One of the biggest benefits to installing a fiberglass pool in the off-season is the discounts.

Many people do not want to install a pool in the fall or winter, because then they need to maintain the pool even though they are not using it or they think a pool cannot be installed during these months.

To keep their employees busy, many pool installation companies offer discounts to those who may be willing to install a pool during these slower months, making it the cheapest time of the year to install a pool.

If budget is a major factor in your pool installation decision, fall or winter may be the optimum time for you to have your fiberglass pool installed.

2. No Rush to Finish

Another benefit to installing a fiberglass pool in the winter months is that there is not any rush to finish the job.

When you install your pool in the spring time or early summer months, you are in a rush to finish the pool so that you can use it and enjoy it. This can make it stressful if there are delays or hold-ups.

When you have a pool installed during the winter time, there will be plenty of time to finish the pool before pool season hits, ensuring you won't stress over every hiccup or delay.

3. You Have the Spring to Landscape

The last advantage to installing a fiberglass pool in the winter months is that you have the spring to landscape around your pool.

The spring is a great time to plant plants and grass.

This helps to ensure that not only is your pool ready to go in the summer, but the landscaping around it is filled in and the look is complete.



1. Potential Delays Due to Inclement Weather

While there are many benefits to having a fiberglass pool installed in the winter, there is one major drawback: there can be potential delays due to inclement weather.

Concrete cannot be poured if it is freezing or raining out, and other parts may need to be installed when the ground thaws a bit.

However, since you have plenty of time until pool season, these potential delays should not have a huge effect on your pool.

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1. Early Spring Installation Allows You to Enjoy the Pool for the Summer

The biggest benefit of having fiberglass pool installation done in the early spring months is that your pool will be ready for you to enjoy for the entire pool season.

If you want to perfectly coincide the opening of your pool with warm weather, you want to have your pool installed during early spring months.

Even if the installation begins in the later spring months, it should be ready for you to enjoy for most of the summer months.



1. Possible Schedule Backlog

One of the downsides to having spring installation is that there can be a possible scheduling backlog.

The pool installer has to finish up all of their winter installs before they can move on to spring ones.

If it was a harsh winter, their winter installs may be backed up.

Also, spring is the busiest time for pool installers, so you have to call to get in early.

If you fail to do so, you may have to put off having your pool installed until the later spring or even summer months, depending on just how busy the installer is.

2. Paying Top Dollar

The other disadvantage to having a fiberglass pool installed in the spring months is that you are paying top dollar for the installation process. Pool installers are booked full in the spring.

As soon as the sun starts to come out and the ground starts to thaw, people start thinking about buying a pool.

This means you won't get a deal on the installation process and may even be charged more simply due to supply and demand. If budget is a major concern when installing a pool, spring may not be the optimum time for you to have it done.

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1. Few Weather-Related Construction Delays

One of the benefits to having your fiberglass pool installed during the summer months is that there are few weather-related construction delays.

If you are looking to have the pool installed in the fastest period of time, with the least opportunity for delays, summer is the best time to have this done.

You do not typically have to worry about delays caused by ice, freezing temperatures, and heavy rains.

2. You Can Use the Pool When Finished

The other advantage to having a pool constructed in the summer months is that you can likely still use the pool when it is finished for a short period of time.

If you have a pool heater, the window to use the pool lengthens. While you may miss the bulk of the swimming season, being able to enjoy the pool for a brief period of time can be a perk.



1. You Miss the Bulk of the Swim Season

The downside to buying and having a fiberglass pool installed during the summer months is that you miss the bulk of the swim season.

Unfortunately, you are still paying a pretty high amount to have the pool installed during the summer months, as supply and demand is still high, but you have less time to use your pool.

If you can wait until next year, you may be better off saving some money and opting for a fall or winter install.

2. Not the Ideal Time to Plant

Another disadvantage to summer fiberglass pool installation is that it is not the ideal time to plant.

That means that while your pool may be complete, you will likely have mounds of dirt instead of plush landscaping around the pool.

This can be unappealing, especially if you want to host parties in your pool or backyard.

3. Your Yard Will be Unusable Most of Summer

The last con to having a pool installed during the summer months is that your yard is unusable during this time.

You cannot let your kids out to play in the yard while a construction crew is building your pool.

For most families, summer is when the kids are out of school, so having them cooped up in the house, instead of letting them out to play, can wear on you and them.

If this is the case, the summer may not be the best time to start ripping up your yard to install a pool.

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1. Great Weather for Installation

One of the benefits to having your pool installed during the fall months is that the weather is still optimal for pool installation.

The cold temperatures have not yet hit, and the rainy season has not yet begun.

You can have your pool completed without the fear of having weather-related delays.

2. No Rush to Complete the Project

When you have your pool installed during the fall months, there is no rush to complete the project.

You are not going to be able to use the pool when it is completed, as it will be too cold outside. As such, you do not have the stress of worrying if a delay does pop up.

Installing a pool during the fall and winter months is the most stress-free time to have a pool installed, because even with delays, your pool will be done before the next swim season with plenty of time to spare.

3. Great Time to Plant

Another advantage to having fiberglass pool installation done during the fall months is that the weather is ideal for planting when the pool is complete.

You can put down grass, plant trees, and place shrubs and bushes.

This gives your landscaping time to grow and fill in, giving you a beautiful landscaped area around your pool by the time the next pool season hits.

4. Off-Season Discounts

If you are looking to install a fiberglass pool for the lowest time, both the fall and winter are the best times to achieve this.

Most people want a pool installed in the spring or early summer months so they can use it right away and receive fast gratification. If you are willing to have the pool installed during the off months, you can save yourself a decent chunk of change.

5. Beat the Following Year Price Increase

The last benefit to buying and having a fiberglass pool installed in the fall is that you beat the following year price increase. Most suppliers increase their prices around the New Year.

Getting in before this increase can help you to save money, which also helps to keep the price of your project as low as possible.



1. None

There are no cons to having a fiberglass pool installed during the fall months, as long as you realize that it is unlikely you will be able to use the pool right away.

If you go in with this mindset, the fall can be a great time for fiberglass pool installation.

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Key Takeaway

Ultimately, there are pros and cons to having a fiberglass pool installed during any season. You can receive discounts by having the pool installed in the fall and winter months, but you won't be able to use the pool right away. Installing a pool in the fall or winter months allows you time to landscape around the pool.

Installing the pool in the early spring may cost more, but you can use the pool right away. Taking the time to educate yourself on these pros and cons can help you select the season that is best for your needs and makes the most sense for you financially.

If you still have questions about buying or installing a fiberglass pool, be sure to download our ebook "How to Buy a Fiberglass Pool in 2017" to further educate yourself on the process.

Buying a fiberglass pool in 2024? GET OUR COMPLETE POOL BUYER'S GUIDEBOOK pricing, sizes, designs, maintenance, and more... CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR EBOOK NOW!

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